온톨로지 스키마와 결합된 개체명 사전 및 마이닝 규칙을 이용한 용어의 개체명 결정모듈 및 방법(미국)-13/153,404의 분할출원

온톨로지 스키마와 결합된 개체명 사전 및 마이닝 규칙을 이용한 용어의 개체명 결정모듈 및 방법(미국)-13/153,404의 분할출원 상세정보
대표분류 데이터처리
연구기관 한국과학기술정보연구원 연구자 정한민외 5인
기술내용 이전대상 특허번호: 8271513(미국)
이전유형: 양도
기술료: 무상
비고: -

A module determining a named entity of terminology includes a named entity dictionary and mining rule database storing the named entity dictionary where named entity of terminology combined with the ontology schema and connected to concept is defined, and a mining rule database where a mining rule configured with mining pattern and RDF triple combined with the ontology schema and connected to relationship name is defined; a named entity and mining rule search unit searching for corresponding mining rule and named entity from the mining rule database and the named entity dictionary using inputted mining pattern and terminology included in the mining pattern; and a names entity selection unit selecting, if two or more named entities corresponding to the terminology are searched, named entity matching to the concept configuring the RDF triple of the searched mining rule as named entity of the terminology among the searched named entities.
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