Multi-frequency millimeter-wave VLBI observing and receiving system and method for designing circuit of quasi-optical system for the same

Multi-frequency millimeter-wave VLBI observing and receiving system and method for designing circuit of quasi-optical system for the same 상세정보
대표분류 정보통신
연구기관 한국천문연구원 연구자 한석태, 이정원, 제도흥, 정문희
••Multi-frequency millimeter wave VLBI(Very Long Baseline
Interferometry) observing system which is able to simultaneously observe the bands of 22GHz, 43GHz, 86GHz and 129GHz which are frequencies for radio astronomy observation and method for designing circuit of quasi-optical system

••A technology for correcting any deformation of space radios of high frequency when they pass through atmosphere
••An observing system which is able to simultaneously observe the bands of 22GHz, 43GHz, 86GHz and 129GHz
••Any deformation of 43GHz, 86GHz and 129GHz signals, which are millimeter waves, can be corrected using a 22GHz signal delay information which relatively is a low frequency, passes through the atmosphere of the earth

••The quasi-optical system includes a 45°flat mirror which allows the beam from an antenna to input into the inside of a receiver, a low pass filter which has different transmission and reflection properties for splitting frequencies, and a several of ellipsoidal mirrors for focusing and transmitting the splitted beams and for delivering beam to each receiver, and a flat mirror.
••The circuit is configured to minimize any losses of beams which may occur when incident beam reflects or transmits, using a several of low pass filters (LPF) having different frequency bands
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